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    Where You Can Find Us

    With over 25 years in the I.T. industry, Neil Brooks has offered his skillset to individuals across the globe, from helping his own family with their PCs and peripherals to providing I.T. support to national and international companies. His unique blend of experience, approachability and ability to explain even the most complex of technical terms gives him a unique edge over many of his competitors.

    The aim of is to fulfil a role in todays ever increasing technical world, offering a helping hand to local individuals across the New Forest, Lymington, Lyndhurst, Ringwood, New Milton and Christchurch who simply need a little bit of technical assistance to fix what seems like an insurmountable problem. After you've read through countless pages in the Google search results and still cannot find an answer, is here to help.

    If you need remote assistance, please visit the following link and give us a call.